Become a certified

Blue Bridge Instructor

Deliver MEANINGFUL, ACTIONABLE, and CRITICAL Autism Response training to your agency, organization , or local First Responders using my highly acclaimed and proven  program.


4-day online course:

April 1st - 4th

11 AM to 1 PM (EST) each day
Attend via Teams (link to be provided)
Register Now (Space Limited)









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What You'll Learn.

This LIVE 4-day online course (2 hours per day) will teach you not only how to deliver CRITICAL insights about autism and autistic individuals to your officers, but also techniques for maximizing impact, engagement, and buy-in from your audience. 

Day 1

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Our Audience
  • Case Study

Day 2

  • Statistics
  • Sensory System and Dysregulation
  • Sensory Challenges

Day 3

  • Communication 
  • Expressive Language
  • Communication Alternatives

Day 4

  • Missing Persons
  • "Wandering"
  • Applying Insights for a successful search

All The Tools You'll Need

My complete PowerPoint Presentation

I've invested years of time and energy developing a powerful and engaging presentation that highlights and supports my course material.  It's yours.  ($2,000 value)

My complete Lesson Plan

Step-by-step guidance and to deliver an impactful and memorable presentation.  ($500 value)

Private Instructor Facebook Group

Receive continuous coaching, feedback, support, and idea-sharing with other Blue Bridge Instructors. ($300 value)

Back Office Support

I will handle issuing Certificates of Completion to everyone you instruct.  ($1,000 value)

Become a Certified Blue Bridge Instructor TODAY!

This LIVE 4-day online course (2 hours per day), will teach you not only how to deliver CRITICAL insights about autism and autistic individuals to your officers, but also techniques for maximizing impact, engagement, and buy-in from your audience. 

Blue Bridge Instructor Certification

Deliver MEANINGFUL, ACTIONABLE, and CRITICAL Autism Response training to your agency, organization , or local First Responders using my highly acclaimed and proven  program.

$600.00 USD